A bit about me

Hello beautiful soul! Thank you for your interest in my story! 

As a holistic healer and Gestalt psychotherapist, I have been blessed with a wealth of experience over the last decade working with a diverse range of people in clinical settings and wellness centers across Mexico, Peru, and the US.

What brings me joy is integrating a variety of alternative humanistic therapies and professional certifications to offer the best possible service to my clients. I’m passionate about helping those who, like me, have faced challenges such as anxiety, PTSD, or a desire to deepen their understanding of themselves and their relationships.

If you’re seeking to cultivate greater self-awareness, improve your relationships, or overcome mental or energetic obstacles that have been holding you back, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for entrusting me with this important work. I look forward to collaborating with you and seeing all that we can accomplish together!

In Lak’ech

Thrive and Grow.

Whether you’re looking to overcome obstacles, deepen your self-awareness, or simply take your life to the next level, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for considering me as your Holistic Life Coach – I can’t wait to work with you!


  • Anxiety and PTSD Humanistic Therapist

  • Certified Gestalt Therapist
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Workshop Trainer and Public Speaker
  • Plant Medicine Savvy

  • Sweatlodge/ Temazcalli

  • Shamanism and Energy worker

  • Descendent of healers of the Toltec lineage