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If you have specific needs or requests, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly by filling out the form or writing to my email with the title: FROM THE HEART (all caps). I’m always happy to hear from my community and to learn more about how I can support you on your journey. Rest assured that your privacy is important to me and your email address will never be shared with anyone else. I look forward to staying connected!

Holistik Marina Wellness

Meet Your Coach

Marina Villarreal

As a trained psychologist, certified nutrition coach, Access Bars facilitator, holistic therapist, and ambassador to Mother Earth Tonanzin tlalli, I believe in viewing individuals as multifaceted beings with multiple layers. My approach to healing is grounded in alternative therapies and techniques that have proven to ACCELERATE the healing and resignifying process.

I feel it’s important to share that I’ve faced my own challenges with recurrent anxiety, and I understand how difficult it can be to navigate. After experiencing anxiety episodes following a significant loss in 2018, I was determined to find a solution beyond conventional therapy methods. My journey to recovery involved three years of research and exploration, during which I developed effective techniques to address the root cause of my anxiety and turn my life around.

Today, I am confident in my ability to help others overcome their own struggles and live happier, healthier lives. I utilize a variety of techniques, including those rooted in the WISDOM of native cultures such as my Toltec Ceremonies and healings, which I view as invaluable technologies that can transform PTSD in a couple of sessions. As a carrier of these traditions, I am honored to share them with my clients.