Therapies & Sessions

Holistik Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy is a holistic and experiential form of therapy that helps us connect and become more aware of our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the present moment.  The here and now.

This approach help us create transformation from awareness, perseption and experience, including body sensations, emotions, and relationships.  Ideal for when you are ready to work on your trust in others, your expression, improve communication or go deeper into any situation,  that might be holding back your healing.  Its also a well-rounded place to start if we new to therapy.

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Anxiety, Stress, Depression

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, or depression, this holistic coaching session is here to help.  I created these sessions by bringing together the most effective tools and techniques I gathered not only from my background but from my own journey healing severe, recurrent stress and anxiety attacks.  I received the typical remarks from friends like: “Just think positive thoughts”, “Just relax”, or “I know how you feel” and it took me a long time to find how to help myself…

My goal is to reduce the time it takes for us to get to the heart of the matter as well as  to provide immediate relief and improvement while transforming habits to build long-term awareness and empowerment to manage symptoms.  I integrate Bioenergetic therapy, Gestalt therapy, meditation and a variety of proven breathing techiques that will help you better manage your day to day from day one.

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Energy Life Coaching

These sessions are for those that want to take the emotional and energetic healing to the next level. I will guide you and accompany you to explore with new tools, transcendental meditations, clearings, emotional healing, native spirituality, and simple light-bound rituals,  to potentialize the transformation that you want to see in your life.

Current times are triggering profound healings!  These sessions will help you enhance your personal practice and become more connected and empowered with Spirit.  Also a great follow-up after an Akashic reading, or to work on specific issues of emotional/energetic nature.

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Toltec Horoscope

The “Tonalama” is a system of timekeeping used by the ancient Mexica and Toltec people that can offer valuable insights into the spiritual and energetic qualities of each day. Like the Mayan Calendar,  the unique combinations of day-signs and numbers that make up the 260-day cycle, guide us to gain a deeper understanding of the influences that are present in our lives at any given time. This understanding can help us  make more informed choices, to navigate challenges more effectively, and to align ourselves with the positive energies that are available to us. By working with the Tonalama, we can cultivate a greater sense of connection to the natural rhythms of the universe, and use this awareness to improve our relationships, health, and overall well-being. Ometeotl!

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Toltec Healings & Ceremonies

For millennia, the Toltecs have been renowned for their wisdom and mastery of self-transformation, and now this ancestral knowledge is available to all who seek to release and let go of the traumas and limitations that hinder our enjoyment of life.  Through the application in healings and energy work, the rich traditions of the Toltec offer  help so one can achieve greater clarity, balance, and well-being,  and release patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.

Toltec wisdom and rituals were held for the highest social ranks and emperors and have survived through the courage and resilience of their keepers, they have been passed down from teacher to apprentice to this day.  Whether you are new to the Toltec path or a seasoned practitioner, each personalized ceremony will help you rid yourself of trauma once and for all and create new thinking patterns, and a happier, more fulfilling life. Ometeotl!

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Akashic Records Reading

The Akashic Records are a tool for personal growth that will allow you to access further information of your biological  and stellar lineage.  That is to say, the Record Keepers will clarify/illuminate connections with the people, events and habits taht are currently relevant in your life.  The information you will receive is vast and insightful.

The main purpose of this tool is to allow you to remember who you are, who you’ve been and why you are here.  The loving guidace of the Record Keepers will help you make decisions with purpose and direction, thus reinforcing a happier, more connected existance.   Session lasts 80-90 minutes and you may be able to make between 5 to 7 questions.

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Personalized Healing

If you would like to contact me for personalized healing, guidance or for special inquiries please use the form below.