Holistic Therapy & Wellness

Awareness is the first step to transformation. We begin a therapeutic process to improve and grow, to heal the parts of us we denied and embrace the new strengths, discoveries and possibilities.

I practice what I am.   I weave in native healing tools with Western Psychology, Gestalt & Holistic Nutrition.  We are not only thoughts and emotions but a physical and energetic body.

“We are Body. Mind. Emotion. Energy and everything is connected”


    Marina Villarreal, Holistic Psychotherapy

    One of biggest mental health misconceptions out there is that mental illness is a “genetic chip” that we are destined to live with forever. The truth is that  we can steer-away any genetic predispositions by being active participants in our own healing. 

    “Symptoms are powerful messengers from the body trying to get our attention so we change our thinking and acting habits”.   “I am disheartened when people come in self-dignosed from stuff they read on-line or when they come in with any determining label that weighs heavily on them”. 

    “I have seen radical healing on people suffering from depression, anxiety, or stress  when they decide to immerse themselves in self-transformation.   Holistic Psychotherapy should offer more efficient tools to speed-up and help the person in this process.  There is hope for everyone who commits to their healing. 

    Not sure where to start?

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    “I had a super fun and VERY insightful session (Akashic Reading) with Marina.  She is very intuitive, and a very authentic and easy to talk to. I appreciated her ability to access a deeply spiritual place and yet relate her information so well to specific details of my life. I highly recommend Marina!”

    -Steph Rayburn


    “Amazing being! She is passionate, responsible and profesional. She will make you feel super comfortable in her consults.
    -Edmarie Velez


    “Marina tapped into many things that were already happening that I haven’t shared with anyone, together we were abe to work through them in our follow up sessions. She was able to give me answers to some of the strange phenomenon that was occurring in my life. She… saw visions for the future that highly resonated with my soul. Thank you Marina for the work that you do! I am forever grateful for the information and guidance you’ve given me.”
    -Alia A.


    “My husband has been diagnosed with stage four cancer and had been losing weight… Marina spent a week in our home and taught us more than you can imagine. Day one was spent going through our pantry and refrigerator and explaining why they were bad for us… she explained the foods we should buy and why, integrated other holistic therapies and consulted with an oncologist in her vast network.  It has been less than a month and he’s gaining weight every day-12 pounds and still going!!!! Thank you Marina”
    -Glenda Dragovich


    She is great! Very calm and collected energy. I feel comfortable speaking to her! She is insightful and  picks up on a lot of things… She provides you with tools to deal with what you are going through so you can grow.  I feel I am progressing on my healing journey.   Also as a reader she is amazing, even confirmed a dream I had the night prior! I got a lot of confirmation and feel more at peace. I highly recommend! Thank you! 

    -Tony Piazza


    Marina es una intérprete de oráculos nata. La entrega a su misión y la manera en la que logra desarrollar los métodos para compartir un mensaje personalizado, con sensibilidad y estructura. permiten que cada sesión de para trabajar en uno mismo.

    -Emmer No’j